Discord bot hosting
Discord bot hosting

There are multiple ways to run the bot 24/7, feel free to choose the best method for you, personally I recommend pm2. You do not need to actively manage the bot.The Bot loads itself on reboot so no need to manually run it again.The bot runs in the background 24/7 unless it crashes.This has some advantages over simply running it in an SSH session: If you have successfully run the bot from the command line from above without any errors or issues then you should be ready to set up 24/7 bot hosting to keep the bot online. Obtiene hardware Intel i7 6700k/7700k y AMD Ryzen 7 para disfrutar de tiempos de respuesta más rápidos y un mayor rendimiento. Es suficiente para cualquier juego, ya que los servidores de juegos de Discord Bot Hosting han registrado al menos 15 Mbps. To prevent this from happening, here are a few different methods: 24/7 ¶ Este servidor Discord Bot Hosting está alojado en una interfaz de red de 250 Mbps. Once you end that session, the bot's process gets terminated with it. While the bot is online on your server, it's only running inside of the current SSH session. If everything went okay this far, you're left with one issue. III: Do not copy your node_modules folder use npm install, it saves you time and allows the dependencies to be built correctly. II: Avoid committing your token to GitHub if you use that.

discord bot hosting

I: You should always test things before using the methods to ensure the bot can load up fine.

Discord bot hosting