Kakegurui xx ep 8
Kakegurui xx ep 8

kakegurui xx ep 8

You can try to pretend you want to see how she wins, but then again all she does is dive head first into the game, with plans that follow no form of logic or consistency, which is then dubbed as smart, either that or she uses the power of plot convenience and plot armor to win every game.

kakegurui xx ep 8

but you can't have the thrill of that, because she is written to be the overpowered overlord of the show.

kakegurui xx ep 8

The female lead, and this show's mascot, is shown to like highstakes, and wants to intentionally put herself in situations where neither her victory nor defeat is assured. Starting with the characters, first we have the male lead, who is a beta male, and his only use is whining or explaining the -obvious- events as a narrator, because the viewers are a bunch of toddlers who can't think for themselves, so i'm sure they need someone to explain things to them. from the bad characters to the terrible gambles, this was one of the most disappointing shows i've ever watched. however, Kakegurui fails miserably at being enjoyable. Gambling can be one of the most thrilling and exciting subjects in anime, from the battles of wits, watching people risk their money or even life, watching the stakes grow as the danger brings out their true colors. the resulting show would be deviant piece of soft porn that is more cringy than exciting, and too fanservice-ish to be taken seriously. What would happen if you combine that gambling with schools, throw in some horny sexy chicks, make them as crazy and perverted as possible, and throw in the derpiest faces you can find in GTO, and make it as edgy as possible. yeah that makes sense, i'm 100% sure nothing could possibly go wrong." "A gambling show, in a school setting, where -except for learning- anything can happen.

Kakegurui xx ep 8