Buku model model pembelajaran kooperatif
Buku model model pembelajaran kooperatif

buku model model pembelajaran kooperatif

The obstacle that happened can be solved well. Students completeness average in cycle I was 77,71, and in cycle II was 85,42. Percentage of classical completeness in cycle I was 63,64%, and in cycle II was 81,82%. Reached score in cycle I was 72, and in cycle II was 83. Researched outcomes showed that percentage of learning activity has 100%.

buku model model pembelajaran kooperatif

Data organitation techniques of this research were observation, test, and note field, that were analysed by descriptive qualitative and quantitative. It research used Classroom Action Research that did in two cycle. The goals of this research are discribe the aplication of cooperative learning type STAD to increase the skimming skill, learning outcomes, the obstacle that happened and this solution. So, choosen cooperative learning model type STAD to be a solution of the problem. It showed from percentage of students learning outcomes that have complete the MCC were 54,55%.

buku model model pembelajaran kooperatif

Observation showed that the students in fifth grades of Kedungsoko 2 elementary school, didn't have skimming skill.

Buku model model pembelajaran kooperatif